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主演:亚瑟·朗斯贝里 熊谷俊辉 福岛香香 江口拓也 

导演:近藤信宏 桥本直人 








爱情五分熟茶杯狐是一部2023年上映的日本怀旧,这部怀旧讲述了In a small, quaint town, lives a young girl named Lily. Lily is an introverted teenager, often seen with her nose in a book or wandering alone in the beautiful wilderness that surrounds the town. Her parents, concerned about her isolation, encourage her to participate in a summer camp for girls.Reluctantly, Lily agrees and embarks on this new adventure. At the camp, she meets a diverse group of girls from different backgrounds. They bond over their shared love for creativity and embark on various artistic projects together.As the days go by, Lily's shell slowly starts to crack. She begins to open up to her newfound friends, sharing her dreams and fears with them. The girls form an unbreakable bond, supporting each other through challenges and celebrating their individuality.One day, Lily discovers an abandoned theater in the woods. Inspired by her friends' talents, she decides to organize a grand performance for the entire town. With the help of her friends, Lily orchestrates the event, showcasing each girl's unique talent.The night of the performance arrives, and the theater is filled with excitement. Lily's friends shine on stage, captivating the audience with their talents. Lily, too, surprises everyone with her incredible singing voice.Through this journey, Lily learns the importance of embracing her talents and the value of true friendship. She realizes that she doesn't need a name to define her, for she is a girl with boundless potential and an everlasting spirit.爱情五分熟茶杯狐情节扣人心弦,演员们的表演堪称一流,他们深刻地呈现了角色内心的情感波动,观众无不为之倾倒。